
Gerick Sports WASA Triathlon

Cranbrook, BC - 11 juin 2017

Event Website
Épreuve Rang Temps Dossard Nom Division Rang/sexe Rang/division Nage T1 Vélo T2 Course
Standard 1/197 1:53:46 197 WILYMAN, Shawn M2529 1/115 1/17 0:21:55 01:36 0:54:28 00:46 0:35:02
Standard 2/197 2:02:03 79 JOHNSON, Robert M3539 2/115 1/21 0:22:55 01:46 0:58:33 00:52 0:38:00
Standard 3/197 2:06:03 46 DOKTER, Eric M2529 3/115 2/17 0:23:25 01:43 1:01:09 00:42 0:39:07
Standard 4/197 2:06:53 108 MACDONALD, Richard M3539 4/115 2/21 0:25:01 01:57 1:01:47 00:48 0:37:23
Standard 5/197 2:07:28 23 CAIN, Dallas M3539 5/115 3/21 0:28:23 01:53 0:57:39 01:04 0:38:32
Standard 6/197 2:07:51 830 LATECOMERS M-U120 6/115 1/1 0:23:02 01:54 1:05:43 00:28 0:36:46
Standard 7/197 2:09:05 149 REID, Richard M3034 7/115 1/12
Standard 8/197 2:09:53 138 ONTKEAN, Nick M2529 8/115 3/17 0:25:58 02:18 1:01:34 00:40 0:39:24
Standard 10/197 2:14:34 11 BADGER, Geoff M4549 9/115 1/17 0:23:50 01:54 1:03:43 00:55 0:44:14
Standard 11/197 2:15:23 99 LEGARE, Benoit M4044 10/115 1/21 0:29:26 01:56 1:02:59 01:09 0:39:54
Standard 12/197 2:16:39 53 FEWSTER, Mark M4044 11/115 2/21 0:28:20 02:14 1:04:43 01:04 0:40:19
Standard 14/197 2:19:34 152 ROBINSON, Casey M2529 12/115 4/17 0:28:38 01:26 1:08:59 01:11 0:39:20
Standard 16/197 2:20:59 128 MOORE, Mattson M2529 13/115 5/17 0:28:48 02:28 1:06:02 00:48 0:42:54
Standard 17/197 2:21:29 132 MOTT, Rob M4549 14/115 2/17 0:29:12 02:34 1:02:19 01:11 0:46:15
Standard 18/197 2:22:12 182 THORNTON, Derek M3034 15/115 2/12 0:30:31 02:05 1:07:10 01:02 0:41:26
Standard 19/197 2:23:04 16 BAUER, Matthew M3539 16/115 4/21 0:27:52 03:10 1:05:36 01:34 0:44:55
Standard 20/197 2:23:23 100 LEITHEAD, Calvin M4044 17/115 3/21 0:30:57 03:12 1:05:08 02:22 0:41:45
Standard 23/197 2:25:10 148 REDELINGHUYS, Daniel M4044 18/115 4/21 0:33:14 02:24 1:03:18 01:19 0:44:57
Standard 24/197 2:25:42 39 DAND, Brian M3539 19/115 5/21 0:25:06 02:00 1:09:29 00:51 0:48:19
Standard 25/197 2:25:49 51 FEENEY, Jay M4044 20/115 5/21 0:30:33 02:01 1:04:32 01:01 0:47:44
Standard 26/197 2:26:28 202 MONK, John M5559 21/115 1/10 0:33:17 02:02 1:07:57 00:48 0:42:25
Standard 27/197 2:27:00 62 GITTINS, Daniel M2529 22/115 6/17 0:25:37 02:53 1:14:23 00:37 0:43:33
Standard 28/197 2:27:27 123 MEUNIER, Patrick M2529 23/115 7/17 0:29:13 03:07 1:09:15 01:02 0:44:51
Standard 29/197 2:27:53 91 KUDIENKO, Mikhail M4044 24/115 6/21 0:35:07 01:58 1:08:51 00:50 0:41:09
Standard 30/197 2:28:21 200 MONDIN, Rob M3539 25/115 6/21 0:38:31 02:35 1:04:07 01:40 0:41:30
Standard 31/197 2:28:46 129 MORAES RIGHI, Thiago M2529 26/115 8/17 0:30:14 02:37 1:10:14 01:25 0:44:19
Standard 32/197 2:29:05 205 RIGDEN, Mathew M2529 27/115 9/17 0:40:55 03:57 1:05:20 01:15 0:37:40
Standard 33/197 2:29:14 56 FIX, Tim M4549 28/115 3/17 0:32:01 02:12 1:06:14 01:09 0:47:39
Standard 34/197 2:29:17 191 WEITEMEYER, Rob M3539 29/115 7/21 0:31:14 02:31 1:06:59 01:01 0:47:33
Standard 35/197 2:29:19 204 MACLEAN, David M6064 30/115 1/7 0:29:47 02:10 1:07:36 01:08 0:48:41
Standard 36/197 2:29:20 45 DOKTER, Ralph M5559 31/115 2/10 0:29:20 02:17 1:08:58 01:05 0:47:41
Standard 38/197 2:30:31 40 DEAN, Joel M4044 32/115 7/21 0:29:54 02:04 1:09:42 01:17 0:47:35
Standard 39/197 2:30:45 21 BRUCE, Murray M4549 33/115 4/17 0:31:40 02:54 1:11:41 01:04 0:43:27
Standard 42/197 2:31:14 141 PATRY, Joel M2529 34/115 10/17 0:29:52 02:35 1:13:29 01:55 0:43:25
Standard 43/197 2:32:18 199 HAMPEL, Jorg M3539 35/115 8/21
Standard 45/197 2:33:15 124 MIILLER, Carl M4549 36/115 5/17 0:33:15 02:28 1:10:47 01:07 0:45:40
Standard 47/197 2:33:18 89 KOHLSMITH, Brad M3539 37/115 9/21 0:29:21 02:48 1:10:37 01:26 0:49:08
Standard 48/197 2:33:19 17 BHARDWAJ, Suchaet M3539 38/115 10/21 0:33:01 02:39 1:07:28 01:19 0:48:54
Standard 49/197 2:35:04 161 SAWATSKY, Paul M4549 39/115 6/17 0:36:12 03:27 1:05:22 00:57 0:49:08
Standard 51/197 2:35:40 28 CARLGREN, Dave M4044 40/115 8/21 0:33:19 02:14 1:11:01 01:05 0:48:02
Standard 52/197 2:36:13 57 FOULGER, Geoff M1824 41/115 1/1 0:28:11 03:42 1:11:24 01:18 0:51:40
Standard 53/197 2:36:52 34 CRAIG, Gordon M6064 42/115 2/7 0:32:54 02:36 1:11:04 01:26 0:48:55
Standard 54/197 2:37:17 3 ADSERBALLE, Jacob M4549 43/115 7/17 0:30:50 03:30 1:10:34 01:08 0:51:16
Standard 56/197 2:37:42 27 CANN, Brad M4044 44/115 9/21 0:33:11 03:22 1:10:56 01:26 0:48:49
Standard 57/197 2:38:14 154 ROSE, James M2529 45/115 11/17 0:31:14 02:54 1:18:35 01:34 0:44:00
Standard 58/197 2:38:38 24 CALVER, Scott M4549 46/115 8/17 0:35:16 03:00 1:11:02 01:23 0:47:58
Standard 59/197 2:38:41 175 STILLWELL, Dan M5054 47/115 1/6 0:34:10 03:03 1:08:08 01:43 0:51:39
Standard 60/197 2:39:02 95 LAMB, Andy M6064 48/115 3/7 0:33:22 03:57 1:08:42 01:23 0:51:39
Standard 61/197 2:39:05 109 MAHONEY, Shawn M5054 49/115 2/6 0:34:47 02:43 1:12:01 01:02 0:48:35
Standard 62/197 2:39:36 15 BAUER, Rod M5054 50/115 3/6 0:30:03 02:26 1:13:16 01:04 0:52:49
Standard 65/197 2:39:53 13 BAKER, Jared M4044 51/115 10/21 0:30:53 02:29 1:14:24 01:23 0:50:46
Standard 66/197 2:40:01 167 SIMPSON, Kevin M5054 52/115 4/6 0:35:28 03:43 1:10:21 01:28 0:49:03
Standard 67/197 2:40:37 5 ALLEN, Matthew M3034 53/115 3/12 0:35:31 02:07 1:13:30 01:27 0:48:04
Standard 69/197 2:40:41 98 LAYDEN, Steve M3539 54/115 11/21 0:36:35 03:26 1:13:38 02:32 0:44:31
Standard 72/197 2:41:20 800 FUNGUS M-155+ 55/115 1/1 0:32:01 02:13 1:06:14 01:04 0:59:50
Standard 73/197 2:41:30 47 DUGGLEBY, Scott M3034 56/115 4/12 0:28:43 05:20 1:19:39 02:22 0:45:27
Standard 75/197 2:41:38 38 DALLAIRE, Matt M3034 57/115 5/12 0:30:07 03:40 1:12:15 01:23 0:54:14
Standard 78/197 2:42:31 107 LYCKLAMA, Ben M3539 58/115 12/21 0:29:27 03:17 1:10:24 01:02 0:58:22
Standard 80/197 2:43:03 70 HAUSCH, Burke M4044 59/115 11/21 0:28:31 02:00 1:09:02 00:54 1:02:37
Standard 81/197 2:43:03 172 STACEWICZ, Joseph M3034 60/115 6/12 0:30:06 02:34 1:13:30 02:41 0:54:15
Standard 83/197 2:43:45 77 JANSEN, Richard M4549 61/115 9/17 0:31:37 03:31 1:13:23 01:35 0:53:41
Standard 85/197 2:43:49 159 SAUNDERS, Hal M6064 62/115 4/7 0:32:04 03:45 1:12:20 02:27 0:53:15
Standard 89/197 2:44:52 104 LOONSTRA, Derek M4549 63/115 10/17 0:37:19 02:20 1:11:55 01:02 0:52:18
Standard 91/197 2:45:58 162 SCHENK, Richard M3539 64/115 13/21 0:36:08 04:18 1:15:07 02:02 0:48:24
Standard 92/197 2:46:00 122 MCLEOD, Geoff M2529 65/115 12/17 0:32:54 02:58 1:16:56 01:20 0:51:54
Standard 93/197 2:46:12 195 WESOLOWSKI, Michael M5559 66/115 3/10 0:34:14 03:23 1:14:01 01:18 0:53:18
Standard 96/197 2:46:32 88 KNUDSEN, Keith M3539 67/115 14/21 0:35:33 03:49 1:17:26 01:28 0:48:18
Standard 98/197 2:46:48 165 SHAW, James M3539 68/115 15/21 0:36:01 04:38 1:12:36 01:27 0:52:08
Standard 100/197 2:47:10 35 CULL, Michael M6064 69/115 5/7 0:36:21 06:52 1:08:17 03:00 0:52:43
Standard 101/197 2:47:39 60 GELINEAU, Chris M5559 70/115 4/10 0:35:15 02:34 1:13:25 01:45 0:54:43
Standard 105/197 2:49:30 121 MCLEAN, Cameron M3539 71/115 16/21 0:31:25 04:52 1:20:09 02:09 0:50:57
Standard 107/197 2:50:19 2 ADRIAN, Jeff M4044 72/115 12/21 0:32:36 04:04 1:12:08 02:11 0:59:22
Standard 108/197 2:50:38 127 MOLINA, Pablo M3539 73/115 17/21 0:34:40 04:07 1:12:55 02:05 0:56:52
Standard 111/197 2:51:26 6 ANDERSON, Jason M4044 74/115 13/21 0:35:26 03:05 1:17:18 01:50 0:53:49
Standard 113/197 2:52:00 111 MAISELS, Duncan M5559 75/115 5/10 0:28:47 02:58 1:15:37 02:07 1:02:33
Standard 114/197 2:52:18 179 TESKEY, Andy M4549 76/115 11/17 0:34:55 03:49 1:17:04 01:29 0:55:03
Standard 117/197 2:52:46 20 BORGER, Josh M5559 77/115 6/10 0:38:54 03:44 1:14:49 01:52 0:53:29
Standard 118/197 2:52:52 190 WATANABE, Haru M4044 78/115 14/21 0:35:45 03:45 1:13:43 01:48 0:57:52
Standard 119/197 2:53:46 82 KAVANAGH, David M2529 79/115 13/17 0:26:02 03:50 1:19:34 00:44 1:03:38
Standard 121/197 2:54:15 96 LAWRENCE, Scott M2529 80/115 14/17 0:31:26 05:04 1:20:19 01:15 0:56:13
Standard 122/197 2:54:24 43 DEKENS, Norman M3539 81/115 18/21 0:31:20 05:54 1:17:35 02:23 0:57:14
Standard 123/197 2:54:24 144 POLEC, Curtis M4044 82/115 15/21 0:30:16 06:58 1:17:36 02:22 0:57:14
Standard 125/197 2:54:34 66 GRAY, David M5054 83/115 5/6 0:33:27 05:23 1:18:49 03:10 0:53:47
Standard 126/197 2:54:55 90 KRUYSSE, Marten M6569 84/115 1/1 0:33:18 03:34 1:15:06 01:20 1:01:39
Standard 127/197 2:55:21 136 NELSON, Paul M5559 85/115 7/10 0:40:01 03:53 1:13:01 02:42 0:55:46
Standard 131/197 2:56:10 12 BAIRD, Mark M4549 86/115 12/17 0:32:28 03:10 1:16:10 02:05 1:02:19
Standard 133/197 2:56:34 180 THIESSEN, Cameron M3034 87/115 7/12 0:28:11 05:39 1:25:20 01:21 0:56:07
Standard 135/197 2:58:16 184 TORO, Octavio M4549 88/115 13/17 0:40:31 07:41 1:19:56 03:23 0:46:47
Standard 136/197 2:59:01 41 DECHANT, Nelson M4044 89/115 16/21 0:38:37 03:31 1:18:59 01:50 0:56:05
Standard 143/197 3:01:00 71 HEAVENOR, Cole M3034 90/115 8/12 0:39:33 04:03 1:18:48 01:36 0:57:02
Standard 144/197 3:01:18 69 HARRISON, Chris M3034 91/115 9/12 0:31:33 04:49 1:22:52 01:08 1:00:59
Standard 146/197 3:02:51 84 KELLY, Noel M3034 92/115 10/12 0:38:33 05:02 1:17:15 03:23 0:58:40
Standard 149/197 3:03:41 139 O'SHEA, Brendan M3034 93/115 11/12 0:33:51 03:30 1:30:57 02:01 0:53:25
Standard 150/197 3:04:16 92 LA HAYE, James M4044 94/115 17/21 0:39:21 05:46 1:22:23 03:08 0:53:41
Standard 151/197 3:04:36 163 SCHMIDT, Ryan M2529 95/115 15/17 0:29:12 04:36 1:28:48 01:43 1:00:19
Standard 153/197 3:05:05 110 MAILLET, Martin M3539 96/115 19/21 0:46:41 04:34 1:17:30 02:02 0:54:20
Standard 158/197 3:06:18 87 KIRBYSON, Howard M5054 97/115 6/6 0:41:13 03:28 1:16:22 03:21 1:01:56
Standard 159/197 3:07:39 207 MCNIVEN, Elliot M2529 98/115 16/17 0:34:52 04:29 1:27:18 01:58 0:59:04
Standard 160/197 3:07:41 67 GRIFFIN, Cam M4044 99/115 18/21 0:35:51 05:33 1:26:11 01:44 0:58:25
Standard 162/197 3:08:07 49 GRANT, Darrell M4044 100/115 19/21 0:38:20 03:47 1:19:24 01:44 1:04:55
Standard 166/197 3:11:45 206 LOUGHEED, Carl M2529 101/115 17/17 0:39:18 05:58 1:22:53 01:52 1:01:47
Standard 169/197 3:12:44 130 MORIN, Steve M4549 102/115 14/17 0:40:33 04:14 1:19:17 01:46 1:06:56
Standard 170/197 3:13:23 8 ANDIE, Johan M3539 103/115 20/21 0:41:20 04:28 1:18:07 02:48 1:06:42
Standard 172/197 3:14:19 61 GINGRICH, Kelly M4549 104/115 15/17 0:37:49 04:23 1:19:37 01:42 1:10:50
Standard 175/197 3:16:42 134 MUNDAY, Sean M4044 105/115 20/21 0:37:14 02:51 1:27:22 01:51 1:07:27
Standard 177/197 3:22:13 18 BLOCK, Lawrence M6064 106/115 6/7 0:42:49 06:04 1:22:49 03:33 1:07:00
Standard 180/197 3:24:33 29 CARTER, Jason M4044 107/115 21/21 0:53:17 04:24 1:19:07 02:37 1:05:11
Standard 181/197 3:24:42 166 SHIELDS, Keith M5559 108/115 8/10 0:35:20 04:12 1:31:25 02:25 1:11:22
Standard 184/197 3:31:01 31 CHRISTIE, Jay M4549 109/115 16/17 0:46:25 03:28 1:31:44 02:50 1:06:36
Standard 186/197 3:32:48 68 HARASYM, Michael M5559 110/115 9/10 1:00:32 08:27 1:23:24 02:49 0:57:38
Standard 191/197 3:39:55 203 STACEWICZ, John M3034 111/115 12/12 0:46:38 02:56 1:31:58 02:47 1:15:38
Standard 192/197 3:40:01 142 PEACE, Mike M4549 112/115 17/17 0:52:29 04:40 1:22:05 02:58 1:17:52
Standard 193/197 3:42:36 33 COCKLIN, Bruce M5559 113/115 10/10 0:40:07 04:54 1:31:37 01:59 1:24:01
Standard 194/197 3:45:58 113 MARSHALL, Jeff M3539 114/115 21/21 0:40:12 04:17 1:35:45 02:01 1:23:45
Standard 195/197 3:47:44 10 AUSTIN, Stu M6064 115/115 7/7 0:46:37 06:34 1:29:59 03:13 1:21:24

* indicates the participant did not complete the swim and continued the event