Épreuve | Rang | Temps | Dossard | Nom | Division | Rang/sexe | Rang/division | Nage | T1 | Vélo | T2 | Course |
Standard | 15/197 | 2:20:31 | 4 | ALCORN, Catherine | F1824 | 3/78 | 1/3 | 0:23:06 | 01:53 | 1:10:19 | 00:42 | 0:44:34 |
Standard | 88/197 | 2:44:08 | 19 | BORGER, Tay | F1824 | 23/78 | 2/3 | 0:28:14 | 02:36 | 1:23:49 | 01:29 | 0:48:02 |
Standard | 103/197 | 2:48:36 | 75 | HUL, Natasha | F1824 | 30/78 | 3/3 | 0:32:38 | 03:08 | 1:20:09 | 02:07 | 0:50:36 |
* indicates the participant did not complete the swim and continued the event