
Gerick Sports WASA Triathlon

Cranbrook, BC - June 11, 2017

Event Website
Event Place Time Race # Name Division Place/Gender Place/Division Swim T1 Bike T2 Run
Standard 1/197 1:53:46 197 WILYMAN, Shawn M2529 1/115 1/17 0:21:55 01:36 0:54:28 00:46 0:35:02
Standard 3/197 2:06:03 46 DOKTER, Eric M2529 3/115 2/17 0:23:25 01:43 1:01:09 00:42 0:39:07
Standard 8/197 2:09:53 138 ONTKEAN, Nick M2529 8/115 3/17 0:25:58 02:18 1:01:34 00:40 0:39:24
Standard 14/197 2:19:34 152 ROBINSON, Casey M2529 12/115 4/17 0:28:38 01:26 1:08:59 01:11 0:39:20
Standard 16/197 2:20:59 128 MOORE, Mattson M2529 13/115 5/17 0:28:48 02:28 1:06:02 00:48 0:42:54
Standard 27/197 2:27:00 62 GITTINS, Daniel M2529 22/115 6/17 0:25:37 02:53 1:14:23 00:37 0:43:33
Standard 28/197 2:27:27 123 MEUNIER, Patrick M2529 23/115 7/17 0:29:13 03:07 1:09:15 01:02 0:44:51
Standard 31/197 2:28:46 129 MORAES RIGHI, Thiago M2529 26/115 8/17 0:30:14 02:37 1:10:14 01:25 0:44:19
Standard 32/197 2:29:05 205 RIGDEN, Mathew M2529 27/115 9/17 0:40:55 03:57 1:05:20 01:15 0:37:40
Standard 42/197 2:31:14 141 PATRY, Joel M2529 34/115 10/17 0:29:52 02:35 1:13:29 01:55 0:43:25
Standard 57/197 2:38:14 154 ROSE, James M2529 45/115 11/17 0:31:14 02:54 1:18:35 01:34 0:44:00
Standard 92/197 2:46:00 122 MCLEOD, Geoff M2529 65/115 12/17 0:32:54 02:58 1:16:56 01:20 0:51:54
Standard 119/197 2:53:46 82 KAVANAGH, David M2529 79/115 13/17 0:26:02 03:50 1:19:34 00:44 1:03:38
Standard 121/197 2:54:15 96 LAWRENCE, Scott M2529 80/115 14/17 0:31:26 05:04 1:20:19 01:15 0:56:13
Standard 151/197 3:04:36 163 SCHMIDT, Ryan M2529 95/115 15/17 0:29:12 04:36 1:28:48 01:43 1:00:19
Standard 159/197 3:07:39 207 MCNIVEN, Elliot M2529 98/115 16/17 0:34:52 04:29 1:27:18 01:58 0:59:04
Standard 166/197 3:11:45 206 LOUGHEED, Carl M2529 101/115 17/17 0:39:18 05:58 1:22:53 01:52 1:01:47

* indicates the participant did not complete the swim and continued the event