
Big Elf Run

Vancouver, BC - December 9, 2023

Event Website
Event Place Gun Time Race # Elf Name Name Division Place/Gender Place/Division Chip Time
10K 1/277 0:35:47 1327 Snowdrop Cookie BONILLA, Carlos
Vancouver, BC
M4049 1/104 1/20 0:35:46
10K 2/277 0:36:24 1369 Sprinkles Helper BROWNING, Rob
Vancouver, BC
M3039 2/104 1/39 0:36:24
10K 3/277 0:38:18 1326 Glitter Cupcakes MCCLUSKEY, James
Vancouver, BC
M2029 3/104 1/27 0:38:08
10K 4/277 0:38:38 1402 Dazzles Gingerbread PENA ZEPEDA, Daniel
Vancouver, BC
M3039 4/104 2/39 0:38:26
10K 5/277 0:39:17 1411 Mincepie Wonderland KYLE, Louise
Port Coquitlam, BC
F3039 1/171 1/48 0:39:15
10K 6/277 0:39:23 1001 Runoldman2 BROWN, Stephen
Vancouver, BC
M6069 5/104 1/8 0:39:22
10K 7/277 0:40:30 1166 Gingerbread Sleigh STAFFORD, Joseph
Richmond, BC
M3039 6/104 3/39 0:40:16
10K 8/277 0:41:01 1286 Buddy CHANG, Chamberlin
Vancouver, BC
M3039 7/104 4/39 0:40:55
10K 9/277 0:41:03 1185 Chestnut Snowy Boots BIGDER, Mark
Vancouver, BC
M3039 8/104 5/39 0:40:59
10K 10/277 0:41:17 1160 Slippy Sella HARRIS, Darren
Vancouver, BC
M4049 9/104 2/20 0:41:12
10K 11/277 0:42:06 1142 Super Elf AKTAS, Leo
New Westminster, BC
M4049 10/104 3/20 0:42:03
10K 12/277 0:42:13 1365 Merry Bling TALEI, Obed
Vancouver, BC
M2029 11/104 2/27 0:42:01
10K 13/277 0:42:13 1262 Stones STONES, Markus
White Rock, BC
M-U20 12/104 1/3 0:42:07
10K 14/277 0:42:34 1377 Blueberry Rudolph WILLIAMS, Zach
Vancouver, BC
M2029 13/104 3/27 0:42:31
10K 15/277 0:42:47 1186 Toffeeapple Presents CHACHA, Peter
Burnaby, BC
M4049 14/104 4/20 0:42:41
10K 16/277 0:43:42 1161 Navi's Lil Helper WOLFE, Spencer
Vancouver, BC
M3039 15/104 6/39 0:43:37
10K 17/277 0:44:18 1371 Fairylight Tumbles EDWARDS, Tyson
Vancouver, BC
M3039 16/104 7/39 0:44:14
10K 18/277 0:44:42 1415 Cookie Pointsettia BAILEY, Lindy
Vancouver, BC
F2029 2/171 1/46 0:44:35
10K 19/277 0:45:12 1321 Blueberry Fizzyboots LEERENTVELD, Tayler
Vancouver, BC
F2029 3/171 2/46 0:44:57
10K 20/277 0:45:16 5597 Jazzy Marshmallow SAZHAEV, Denis
Vancouver, BC
M3039 17/104 8/39 0:45:11
10K 21/277 0:45:52 1205 Snowdrop Baubles FOURNESS, Dan
West Vancouver, BC
M3039 18/104 9/39 0:45:45
10K 22/277 0:45:59 1238 Dazzles Flippysledge SAUVE, Kayla
North Vancouver, BC
F-U20 4/171 1/14 0:45:51
10K 23/277 0:46:08 1357 Twirly Brandysnap HANCOCK, Tom
Langley, BC
M4049 19/104 5/20 0:45:49
10K 24/277 0:46:11 1354 Twinkletoes Icicledrops FYFFE, Mitchell
Vancouver, BC
M2029 20/104 4/27 0:45:57
10K 25/277 0:46:15 1210 Moose CARLSON, Elliott
Vancouver, BC
M2029 21/104 5/27 0:46:01
10K 26/277 0:46:18 1385 Hot Chocolate Bell GROSSHOLZ, Matthew
Vancouver, BC
M3039 22/104 10/39 0:45:55
10K 27/277 0:46:21 1375 Pointsettia Brandysnap SATTLER, Caleb
Vancouver, BC
M2029 23/104 6/27 0:44:20
10K 28/277 0:46:47 1213 Polski Elf RATAJCZAK, Marek
Coquitlam, BC
M4049 24/104 6/20 0:46:40
10K 29/277 0:46:58 1193 Boss B Elfy MARK, Kirsten
West Kelowna, BC
F3039 5/171 2/48 0:46:56
10K 30/277 0:47:00 1276 Matthew RUNZER, Matthew
North Vancouver, BC
M-U20 25/104 2/3 0:46:57
10K 31/277 0:47:17 1355 Stardust Chillysleigh WHELAN, Sam
Vancouver, BC
M2029 26/104 7/27 0:47:04
10K 32/277 0:47:18 1038 Tinker Sugarsocks KNIGHT, Zack
Vancouver, BC
M2029 27/104 8/27 0:46:55
10K 33/277 0:47:28 1207 Malkia SITUMA, Angela Ruth
Vancouver, BC
F3039 6/171 3/48 0:47:08
10K 34/277 0:47:33 1235 Ago-Knee Mccookiecakes ELLETT, Lindsey
Surrey, BC
F4049 7/171 1/38 0:45:33
10K 35/277 0:47:33 1181 Blondinka NOVAKOWSKI, Stefanie
Vancouver, BC
F3039 8/171 4/48 0:47:25
10K 36/277 0:47:33 1391 Happy Jollybells BLAIR, Matt
North Vancouver, BC
M3039 28/104 11/39 0:47:17
10K 37/277 0:47:36 1336 Candy Wreath RUYGROK, Andrew
Vancouver, BC
M3039 29/104 12/39 0:46:05
10K 38/277 0:47:54 1132 Nutcracker SCHULZ, Ken
Maple Ridge, BC
M3039 30/104 13/39 0:47:45
10K 39/277 0:48:00 1133 Porg COUGHLIN, Matt
Maple Ridge, BC
M4049 31/104 7/20 0:47:41
10K 40/277 0:48:14 1319 Starlight Cookies REID, Lily
Vancouver, BC
F2029 9/171 3/46 0:47:59
10K 41/277 0:48:19 1275 Buddy RUNZER, Julia
North Vancouver, BC
F-U20 10/171 2/14 0:48:17
10K 42/277 0:48:20 1318 Hot Chocolate Shiningstar RENTZ, Lauren
Whistler, BC
F-U20 11/171 3/14 0:48:01
10K 43/277 0:48:24 1350 Floppy Feet Starlight TRAN, Mikey
Vancouver, BC
M2029 32/104 9/27 0:48:20
10K 44/277 0:48:32 1395 Pacer Elf 50 OKONDO, Kennedy
Surrey, BC
M3039 33/104 14/39 0:48:13
10K 45/277 0:48:33 1095 Happy Holi-Dave RIDER, David
White Rock, BC
M4049 34/104 8/20 0:48:15
10K 46/277 0:49:06 1225 Honeycomb Snowy Boots KOBLER, Paul
Vancouver, BC
M3039 35/104 15/39 0:47:32
10K 47/277 0:49:30 1271 Dasher The Red-Nosed Runner LUCAS, Aidan
Vancouver, BC
M2029 36/104 10/27 0:45:30
10K 48/277 0:49:50 1322 Jingle Bells Snowball DEN BREEJEN, Sofie
Vancouver, BC
F2029 12/171 4/46 0:49:34
10K 49/277 0:49:57 1412 Marshmallow Flippysledge KULIGOWSKI, Krzysztof
Surrey, BC
M2029 37/104 11/27 0:48:30
10K 50/277 0:50:03 7033 Cardins CARDINS, Victor
Vancouver, BC
M4049 38/104 9/20 0:49:55
10K 51/277 0:50:11 1364 Cozy Mittens Cozy Blanket MUEHE, Fabian
Vancouver, BC
M3039 39/104 16/39 0:49:52
10K 52/277 0:50:11 1363 Cinnamonstick Bling GREGSON, Flo
Vancouver, BC
F3039 13/171 5/48 0:49:51
10K 53/277 0:50:11 1305 Cedar Nutcracker SMART, Tim
Vancouver, BC
M3039 40/104 17/39 0:49:50
10K 54/277 0:50:13 1332 Cocoa Baubles IGMEN, Paulo
North Vancouver, BC
M2029 41/104 12/27 0:50:06
10K 55/277 0:50:18 1370 Sparkledust Snowy Boots WOWK, Jeremy
Vancouver, BC
M3039 42/104 18/39 0:50:12
10K 56/277 0:50:51 7102 Cozy Mittens Fancyfeet LAFFAN, Robert
Vancouver, BC
M2029 43/104 13/27 0:50:36
10K 57/277 0:50:53 1393 Lucky Caroller WILLIAMS, Cassandra
North Vancouver, BC
F3039 14/171 6/48 0:50:39
10K 58/277 0:51:26 1214 Sub 50 Lfg ELEFANTE, Jom
Surrey, BC
M3039 44/104 19/39 0:51:03
10K 59/277 0:51:57 1124 Cinnamon Brandysnap HAY, Clare
Ladner, BC
F4049 15/171 2/38 0:50:21
10K 60/277 0:52:01 7085 Mistletoe Winterbauble KIERAN, Emily
Vancouver, BC
F4049 16/171 3/38 0:51:44
10K 61/277 0:52:52 1330 Sparkles Penguin LIVELY, Margot
West Vancouver, BC
F5059 17/171 1/19 0:52:30
10K 62/277 0:52:59 1291 Bruce Ninnymuggins MCKNIGHT, Sean
Vancouver, BC
M4049 45/104 10/20 0:51:07
10K 63/277 0:53:13 1338 Cranberry Snowfairy ZABALA, Ines
Vancouver, BC
F3039 18/171 7/48 0:51:42
10K 64/277 0:53:16 1401 Sparkledust Snowball HUNG, Kit
Richmond, BC
M4049 46/104 11/20 0:51:43
10K 65/277 0:53:16 1400 Reindeer Dancer HUNG, John
Richmond, BC
M3039 47/104 20/39 0:51:44
10K 66/277 0:53:32 1320 Fairylight Jingleboots MARION, Ellen
Regina, SK
F2029 19/171 5/46 0:53:17
10K 67/277 0:53:33 1374 Fuzzy Gingerbread WONG, Daniel
Vancouver, BC
M3039 48/104 21/39 0:49:39
10K 68/277 0:53:38 1352 Rudolph Jollystockings KLIMENKO, Martin
Vancouver, BC
M3039 49/104 22/39 0:53:24
10K 69/277 0:53:51 1157 Cheery Chillysleigh FULLERTON, Arora
Vancouver, BC
F-U20 20/171 4/14 0:53:40
10K 70/277 0:53:54 1199 Cupcakes Jollystockings GEORGE, Navaeh
Penticton, BC
F-U20 21/171 5/14 0:51:31
10K 71/277 0:53:57 1198 Cranberry Cookiedough MORTON, Harmony
Penticton, BC
F-U20 22/171 6/14 0:51:34
10K 72/277 0:53:59 1035 Frosty Snowybum KELLY, Jeff
Vancouver, BC
M3039 50/104 23/39 0:53:36
10K 73/277 0:54:01 1285 Jiggletown ANG, Sheena
Vancouver, BC
F3039 23/171 8/48 0:53:41
10K 74/277 0:54:06 1094 Resting Grinch Face O'SHAUGHNESSY, Sara
White Rock, BC
F4049 24/171 4/38 0:52:42
10K 75/277 0:54:07 1273 Snowy Boots Fizzyboots SETO, Emily
Port Moody, BC
F4049 25/171 5/38 0:50:21
10K 76/277 0:54:26 1287 Fairylog Sleigh MARSH, Griffin
Vancouver, BC
M2029 51/104 14/27 0:50:27
10K 77/277 0:54:50 1328 Candy Nutmeg LEWANDOWSKA, Malvina
Vancouver, BC
F4049 26/171 6/38 0:54:34
10K 78/277 0:55:03 1140 Marcefacts RODRIGUEZ, Marcela
New Westminster, BC
F4049 27/171 7/38 0:53:33
10K 79/277 0:55:41 1252 Glitter Angelsong FOX, Gemma
North Vancouver, BC
F2029 28/171 6/46 0:53:32
10K 80/277 0:55:43 1191 Sugar Socks GRIFFIN, Katherina
Vancouver, BC
F2029 29/171 7/46 0:53:58
10K 81/277 0:56:00 1418 Cinnamonstick Chillysleigh NAISH, Kara
Vancouver, BC
F5059 30/171 2/19 0:54:28
10K 82/277 0:56:04 1334 Sugarcookie Cedarbranch PETERSOHN, Adrienne
Vancouver, BC
F4049 31/171 8/38 0:54:32
10K 83/277 0:56:24 1240 Elfin Miss2Toes VAN AS, Glenn
North Vancouver, BC
M6069 52/104 2/8 0:54:36
10K 84/277 0:56:25 1192 Chestnut Blackberry RAI, Aimee
Burnaby, BC
F4049 32/171 9/38 0:56:19
10K 85/277 0:56:32 1107 Legolas MUNDY, John
Vancouver, BC
M2029 53/104 15/27 0:52:39
10K 86/277 0:56:39 1189 Cozy Mittens Caroller KENNEDY, John
North Vancouver, BC
M5059 54/104 1/7 0:55:13
10K 87/277 0:56:46 1131 Legs SCHULZ, Carissa
Maple Ridge, BC
F3039 33/171 9/48 0:56:40
10K 88/277 0:57:01 1423 Rudolph Bling MURRIN, Curtis
Delta, BC
M2029 55/104 16/27 0:55:05
10K 89/277 0:57:04 1264 Merry Candy PICKFORD, Sydney
Chilliwack, BC
F-U20 34/171 7/14 0:55:33
10K 90/277 0:57:06 1022 Gingerbread Ciderdancer MUIRHEAD, Gillian
North Vancouver, BC
F3039 35/171 10/48 0:55:30
10K 91/277 0:57:06 1175 Haley SALVADOR, Haley
Langley, BC
F3039 36/171 11/48 0:55:22
10K 92/277 0:57:29 1098 Arwen MCADAM, Lisa Marie
North Vancouver, BC
F3039 37/171 12/48 0:55:51
10K 93/277 0:57:31 1302 Dasher Cozy Blanket O'TOOLE, Anna-Louise
Enfield, EN
F5059 38/171 3/19 0:56:06
10K 94/277 0:57:34 1120 Cinnamon Snowman PALMER, Roma
Vancouver, BC
F5059 39/171 4/19 0:55:23
10K 95/277 0:57:35 1202 Jazzy Cozy Mittens NEAL, Justin
Vancouver, BC
M3039 56/104 24/39 0:57:18
10K 96/277 0:57:42 1150 Winter Bells Jollysocks GILES, Catherine
Surrey, BC
F5059 40/171 5/19 0:45:50
10K 97/277 0:58:08 1122 Cranberry Noel DORSCH, Nina
Vancouver, BC
F2029 41/171 8/46 0:56:19
10K 98/277 0:58:11 7053 Jolly Helper AUJLA, Suki
Surrey, BC
F4049 42/171 10/38 0:56:43
10K 99/277 0:58:27 1263 Sparkledust Partridge PICKFORD, Karen
Chilliwack, BC
F4049 43/171 11/38 0:56:56
10K 100/277 0:58:27 1119 Reindeer Floppy Feet SLAMKA, Catherine
Vancouver, BC
F2029 44/171 9/46 0:56:39
10K 101/277 0:58:29 1065 Em The Elf BURGESS, Emily
Delta, BC
F3039 45/171 13/48 0:58:16
10K 102/277 0:59:00 1407 Tree Trimmer Reindeer PRESCOTT, Marlee
Vancouver, BC
F2029 46/171 10/46 0:56:47
10K 103/277 0:59:01 1034 Tinker Mcjingles MACLAREN, Zoe
Vancouver, BC
F2029 47/171 11/46 0:56:49
10K 104/277 0:59:03 1190 Speedy Chillysleigh KENNEDY, Carol
North Vancouver, BC
F5059 48/171 6/19 0:57:37
10K 105/277 0:59:08 1390 Stardust Hollyjump VARGHESE, Julia
Vancouver, BC
F3039 49/171 14/48 0:56:46
10K 106/277 0:59:08 7077 Tinsel Sleigh KOTZ, Erin
Vancouver, BC
F3039 50/171 15/48 0:57:14
10K 107/277 0:59:09 1394 Fizzyboots Floppy Feet WONG, Shannon
Vancouver, BC
F3039 51/171 16/48 0:56:47
10K 108/277 0:59:21 1421 Fuzzy Winterbauble VANDEBURGT, Melanie
Surrey, BC
F4049 52/171 12/38 0:57:19
10K 109/277 0:59:22 1070 J-Pizzle CROMPTON, Jude
Vancouver, BC
M-U20 57/104 3/3 0:55:38
10K 110/277 0:59:29 1188 Glitter Sweetcheeks FENNEY, Paul
North Vancouver, BC
M6069 58/104 3/8 0:58:00
10K 111/277 0:59:31 1266 Dobby's Sock MILNE, Avery
Vancouver, BC
F2029 53/171 12/46 0:59:27
10K 112/277 0:59:41 1168 Tree Trimmer Twinkletoes HURTADO, Maya
North Vancouver, BC
F2029 54/171 13/46 0:58:14
10K 113/277 0:59:45 1329 Cookie Chimneydance WOZNOW, Kate
Vancouver, BC
F4049 55/171 13/38 0:57:41
10K 114/277 0:59:47 1267 Gingerbread PLA MONTESINOS, Paula
Vancouver, BC
F2029 56/171 14/46 0:57:49
10K 115/277 0:59:49 1141 Edarien ESCOBAR, Edgar
New Westminster, BC
M4049 59/104 12/20 0:58:20
10K 116/277 0:59:50 1183 Frozen Snickerdoodle CARTER, Chelsea
North Vancouver, BC
F3039 57/171 17/48 0:55:36
10K 117/277 0:59:50 1345 Merry Helper MCKELLAR, Mark
Burnaby, BC
M3039 60/104 25/39 0:55:57
10K 118/277 0:59:54 1080 Rundolph REINTSMA, Cole
North Vancouver, BC
F4049 58/171 14/38 0:59:44
10K 119/277 0:59:56 1046 Elfave LEFAVE, Joanna
Surrey, BC
F3039 59/171 18/48 0:57:58
10K 120/277 0:59:59 1323 Frozen Silverbell BEECHINOR, Rachel
North Vancouver, BC
F2029 60/171 15/46 0:58:23
10K 121/277 1:00:03 1241 Stardust Cocoa KEMP, Stephanie
Vancouver, BC
F3039 61/171 19/48 0:57:51
10K 122/277 1:00:03 1324 Twinkletoes Frosty FREEMAN, Edward
North Vancouver, BC
M2029 61/104 17/27 0:58:25
10K 123/277 1:00:04 1242 Dunclan Ducktales CAWLEY, Declan
Vancouver, BC
M4049 62/104 13/20 0:57:54
10K 124/277 1:00:09 1404 Tree Trimmer Winterbauble GILMOUR, Connor
Vancouver, BC
M2029 63/104 18/27 0:59:55
10K 125/277 1:00:09 1230 Kat AKIN, Kathie
North Vancouver, BC
F6069 62/171 1/5 0:58:24
10K 126/277 1:00:15 7074 Diana AKHMETOVA, Diana
Vancouver, BC
F2029 63/171 16/46 1:00:11
10K 127/277 1:00:15 7026 Striderz Run Club MAJZOUB, Rabih
Vancouver, BC
M4049 64/104 14/20 0:54:55
10K 128/277 1:00:59 7005 Candy Jump STEVENSON, Sean
Vancouver, BC
M2029 65/104 19/27 0:59:16
10K 129/277 1:01:06 1151 Legolas GREENOUGH, Darryl
Surrey, BC
M2029 66/104 20/27 0:50:51
10K 130/277 1:01:33 1283 Frosty Fernie SERIOSA, Fernando
Vancouver, BC
M5059 67/104 2/7 0:59:10
10K 131/277 1:01:44 1209 Gingersnap Snowman SALVADOR, Alisha
Langley Township, BC
F2029 64/171 17/46 0:59:59
10K 132/277 1:01:52 1071 Lavendar CROMPTON, David
Vancouver, BC
M5059 68/104 3/7 0:58:07
10K 133/277 1:01:57 1236 Bushy Evergreen MERX, Tina
Surrey, BC
F5059 65/171 7/19 0:58:10
10K 134/277 1:02:09 1146 Tinsel Cookies POTZOLD, Suzanne
Vancouver, BC
F3039 66/171 20/48 1:00:41
10K 135/277 1:02:22 1237 Bob Muffin Top SHIPWAY, Rich
North Vancouver, BC
M5059 69/104 4/7 1:00:37
10K 136/277 1:02:27 1219 Gingerbread Winterfairy LISKOVA, Iva
Lions Bay, BC
F5059 67/171 8/19 1:00:25
10K 137/277 1:02:40 1251 Ho Ho Hochhalter HOCHHALTER, Caroline
Vancouver, BC
F3039 68/171 21/48 0:58:56
10K 138/277 1:02:47 1228 Elf Me Rhonda HOFFMANN, Christine
Vancouver, BC
F6069 69/171 2/5 1:01:02
10K 139/277 1:02:49 7075 Rosly Dsouza DSOUZA, Rosly
Vancouver, BC
M3039 70/104 26/39 1:02:46
10K 140/277 1:02:55 1256 Bilbo FAWCETT, Billie
Vancouver, BC
F2029 70/171 18/46 1:00:46
10K 141/277 1:03:14 1424 Noel Frosty CLAPON, Catalin-Gabriel
Vancouver, BC
M4049 71/104 15/20 1:01:33
10K 142/277 1:03:20 1220 Zippy Penguin GIBBONS, Kristina
Vancouver, BC
F4049 71/171 15/38 1:01:13
10K 143/277 1:03:23 1019 Smiley Mcsprinkles MERCIER, Corinne
Surrey, BC
F3039 72/171 22/48 1:01:18
10K 144/277 1:03:24 1020 Bouncy Jingles PERKINS, Tyler
Surrey, BC
M4049 72/104 16/20 1:01:18
10K 145/277 1:03:26 1414 Blueberry Icicledrops PEDERSEN, Joanna
Vancouver, BC
F4049 73/171 16/38 1:01:20
10K 146/277 1:03:37 1342 Mittens Shiningstar PAIVA, Camila
Langley, BC
F3039 74/171 23/48 1:03:15
10K 147/277 1:03:54 1222 Nutcracker Baubles RUSHBROOK, Sam
Vancouver, BC
M3039 73/104 27/39 1:01:44
10K 148/277 1:03:55 1223 Cookie Silverbaubles BARCLAY, Charlotte
Vancouver, BC
F3039 75/171 24/48 1:01:44
10K 149/277 1:04:13 1261 Stardust Jingleboots KHARA, Harjoth
Burnaby, BC
M3039 74/104 28/39 1:02:09
10K 150/277 1:04:14 1294 Jingle-Belle YIP, Chia-Li
Vancouver, BC
F4049 76/171 17/38 0:59:40
10K 151/277 1:04:26 1147 Dunf DUNPHY, Helena
North Vancouver, BC
F5059 77/171 9/19 1:02:27
10K 152/277 1:04:31 1172 Candy Cane Gingerbread CEBALLOS, Maria
Surrey, BC
F3039 78/171 25/48 1:00:16
10K 153/277 1:04:38 1087 Cookie Fluffysocks MOFFATT, David
Richmond, BC
M4049 75/104 17/20 1:02:22
10K 154/277 1:04:51 1335 Cookie Angelsong WANG, Yen-Chun
Burnaby, BC
M2029 76/104 21/27 1:01:03
10K 155/277 1:04:53 1204 Noel Chillysleigh PATTERSON, Shannon
New Westminster, BC
F5059 79/171 10/19 1:03:19
10K 156/277 1:04:55 1339 Jingle Mistletoe DOOLAN, Kenneth
Burnaby, BC
M2029 77/104 22/27 1:01:05
10K 157/277 1:05:27 1106 Elf-Erine DOODY, Catherine
Squamish, BC
F3039 80/171 26/48 1:01:33
10K 158/277 1:05:50 1014 Tinker Toes SKINNER, Chesney-Jane
Vancouver, BC
F2029 81/171 19/46 1:05:32
10K 159/277 1:05:52 1386 Winter Bells Sleigh ZHAO, Anyudan Nemo
Burnaby, BC
F2029 82/171 20/46 1:05:38
10K 160/277 1:05:57 1073 Fairylog Baubles NISHI-BECKINGHAM, Kira
Vancouver, BC
N-OPEN 1/1 1/1 1:01:41
10K 161/277 1:06:01 1265 Sugarplum Holly Feet LEGER, Sarah
North Vancouver, BC
F2029 83/171 21/46 1:05:56
10K 162/277 1:06:11 1088 Blueberry Snowdrop MOFFATT, Leah
Richmond, BC
F-U20 84/171 8/14 1:03:56
10K 163/277 1:06:18 1101 Dana Very-Merry BARRATT, Dana
North Vancouver, BC
F4049 85/171 18/38 1:04:00
10K 164/277 1:06:19 1100 Caramel Starlight FORREST, Elizabeth
North Vancouver, BC
F5059 86/171 11/19 1:04:00
10K 165/277 1:06:22 1194 Cozy Mittens Fluffysocks BOETZKES, Willie
North Vancouver, BC
M6069 78/104 4/8 1:04:04
10K 166/277 1:06:25 7049 Noodles Snowballpants COCHRANE, Shirley
Delta, BC
F5059 87/171 12/19 1:04:05
10K 167/277 1:06:34 1054 Winter Flippysledge CUMMINGS, Ryan
Vancouver, BC
M3039 79/104 29/39 1:06:19
10K 168/277 1:06:35 1163 Candy Sweetcheeks NGUYEN, Dominic
Vancouver, BC
M3039 80/104 30/39 1:04:15
10K 169/277 1:06:46 1281 Fluffy Twinklebutt MURRAY, Breezy
Vancouver, BC
F2029 88/171 22/46 1:02:59
10K 170/277 1:06:54 1187 Coco Claus VANDIVER, Courtney
Vancouver, BC
F3039 89/171 27/48 1:02:56
10K 171/277 1:06:55 1077 Jingle Snowball MCKAY, Andrew
North Vancouver, BC
M5059 81/104 5/7 1:03:06
10K 172/277 1:07:04 1282 Candy Cane Jollysocks SAWICKI, Shannon
Richmond, BC
F4049 90/171 19/38 1:03:18
10K 173/277 1:07:08 1032 Jingle Starcookies SPANOS MCGILL, Sophia
North Vancouver, BC
F2029 91/171 23/46 1:04:56
10K 174/277 1:07:33 1118 Jingle Judi TORRAO, Judi
Burnaby, BC
F4049 92/171 20/38 1:05:09
10K 175/277 1:07:42 1064 Eggnog Icicledrops TWOHIG, Kate
Vancouver, BC
F3039 93/171 28/48 1:05:25
10K 176/277 1:07:54 1308 Snowball Gingerbread MCCARTHY, Cathal
Vancouver, BC
M2029 82/104 23/27 1:06:19
10K 177/277 1:07:56 1309 Bubbles Toasty Toes NIETO SALVADOR, Alberto
Vancouver, BC
M3039 83/104 31/39 1:06:21
10K 178/277 1:07:56 1307 Eggnog Starcookies O SULLIVAN, Ailish
Vancouver, BC
F2029 94/171 24/46 1:06:20
10K 179/277 1:07:57 1306 Rudolph Ornament JEULIN, Benedicte
Vancouver, BC
F3039 95/171 29/48 1:06:23
10K 180/277 1:08:08 1409 Floppy Feet Raindrop FOGGO, Scott
North Vancouver, BC
M3039 84/104 32/39 1:03:33
10K 181/277 1:08:10 7046 Lil Elf BRODERICK, Lilly
North Vancouver, BC
F2029 96/171 25/46 1:03:36
10K 182/277 1:08:15 1002 G-Money HALSTON, Grant
Victoria, BC
M3039 85/104 33/39 1:08:04
10K 183/277 1:08:16 1164 @Rumbleandolive YING, Jennifer
Vancouver, BC
F3039 97/171 30/48 1:05:57
10K 184/277 1:08:16 1069 Lucky Iciclecrackers AHMAD, Adele
Vancouver, BC
F4049 98/171 21/38 1:04:24
10K 185/277 1:08:17 1162 Twirly Mistletoe HUYNH, Carolyn
Vancouver, BC
F3039 99/171 31/48 1:05:57
10K 186/277 1:08:22 1268 Claradriel MOLINER HUERTA, Clara
Vancouver, BC
F2029 100/171 26/46 1:06:24
10K 187/277 1:08:25 5419 Cookie Cedarbranch CHAN, Sophie
Vancouver, BC
F4049 101/171 22/38 1:08:03
10K 188/277 1:08:27 1277 Reindeer Dazzles ELLIOTT, Katherine
North Vancouver, BC
F3039 102/171 32/48 1:04:37
10K 189/277 1:08:28 1137 Chilly Tumbles WERTZ, James
Coquitlam, BC
M4049 86/104 18/20 1:03:50
10K 190/277 1:08:30 1138 Marshmallow Cakepops CALLAWAY, Dara
Coquitlam, BC
F4049 103/171 23/38 1:03:50
10K 191/277 1:08:30 1376 Starlight Jollysocks WALLACE, Vivienne
Vancouver, BC
F4049 104/171 24/38 1:04:40
10K 192/277 1:08:35 1208 Holly Tinselpants LEWIS, Rhiannon
Vancouver, BC
F2029 105/171 27/46 1:06:22
10K 193/277 1:08:36 1125 Cronkle Mcdongleberry GILL, Daniel
Vancouver, BC
M3039 87/104 34/39 1:06:46
10K 194/277 1:08:42 1254 Elfo HEU, Norman
Burnaby, BC
M5059 88/104 6/7 1:06:36
10K 195/277 1:08:51 1366 Fuzzy Flippysledge DRIEDGER, Annika
Vancouver, BC
F-U20 106/171 9/14 1:06:52
10K 196/277 1:09:01 1362 Dazzles Nutmeg PULCHNY, Fiona
Vancouver, BC
F-U20 107/171 10/14 1:07:03
10K 197/277 1:09:13 1093 Glitter Santa FURLONG, Stephanie
Vancouver, BC
F3039 108/171 33/48 1:09:09
10K 198/277 1:09:13 1351 Blueberry Wonderland FURLONG, Pat
Vancouver, BC
F6069 109/171 3/5 1:09:07
10K 199/277 1:09:24 1021 Cheery Wreath AMLANI, Karim
North Vancouver, BC
M3039 89/104 35/39 1:07:05
10K 200/277 1:09:30 1053 Blizzard Shiningstar CUMMINGS, Ida
Vancouver, BC
F3039 110/171 34/48 1:09:15
10K 201/277 1:09:44 1159 Sparkledust Sleigh STOWELL, Niamh
Coquitlam, BC
F2029 111/171 28/46 1:07:31
10K 202/277 1:09:51 1135 Sheena-Bo-Bina PURI, Reshena
New Westminster, BC
F4049 112/171 25/38 1:05:58
10K 203/277 1:09:54 1066 Marshmallow Ornament REILLY, Lisa
Vancouver, BC
F3039 113/171 35/48 1:05:40
10K 204/277 1:09:58 1255 Sugarplum Trufflebells MAGLIERY, Tom
Vancouver, BC
M6069 90/104 5/8 1:06:09
10K 205/277 1:10:02 1229 Elfie WILSON, Mary
North Vancouver, BC
F70+ 114/171 1/1 1:08:16
10K 206/277 1:10:09 1076 Cedar Sugarsleigh LAWSON, Catherine
North Vancouver, BC
F5059 115/171 13/19 1:06:20
10K 207/277 1:10:19 1036 Joself BURKE, Joseph
Vancouver, BC
M3039 91/104 36/39 1:06:35
10K 208/277 1:10:19 1039 Cinnamonstick Flippysledge DOUGLAS, Mallory
Vancouver, BC
F3039 116/171 36/48 1:06:35
10K 209/277 1:10:21 1148 Jingleballs JACOBS, Jamie
Esquimalt, BC
F2029 117/171 29/46 1:06:21
10K 210/277 1:10:24 1067 Snowy Boots Blizzard NICOLE, Lindsay
Port Moody, BC
F4049 118/171 26/38 1:06:33
10K 211/277 1:10:56 1295 Sprinkles ROGERS, Emma
Vancouver, BC
F3039 119/171 37/48 1:06:42
10K 212/277 1:11:06 1380 Zippy Snowfairy KIM, Dahyeon
Vancouver, BC
F2029 120/171 30/46 1:05:09
10K 213/277 1:11:15 1117 Merry-O Snickerdoodle TORRAO, Mario
Burnaby, BC
M4049 92/104 19/20 1:08:52
10K 214/277 1:11:33 1416 Cozy Mittens Gingerbread MAINARDI, Rebecca
Vancouver, BC
F3039 121/171 38/48 1:09:31
10K 215/277 1:11:34 1104 Snowy Boots Cookies MAC PARTLIN, Stephen
Vancouver, BC
M2029 93/104 24/27 1:06:51
10K 216/277 1:11:34 1260 Lazza KELLY, Lara
Vancouver, BC
F2029 122/171 31/46 1:06:52
10K 217/277 1:11:34 1300 Magic Stardust GRALL, Robert
Vancouver, BC
M2029 94/104 25/27 1:06:51
10K 218/277 1:11:36 1417 Snowflake Wreath LIND, Meghan
Port Moody, BC
F3039 123/171 39/48 1:09:35
10K 219/277 1:11:54 1392 Twirly Snowball PEREZ, Jenny
West Vancouver, BC
F4049 124/171 27/38 1:07:49
10K 220/277 1:12:01 1425 Chilly Helper SIHOTA, Kamaljit
Burnaby, BC
F5059 125/171 14/19 1:07:54
10K 221/277 1:12:07 1037 Sparkles Tinselpants BAGSHAW, Alyssa
Vancouver, BC
F2029 126/171 32/46 1:09:53
10K 222/277 1:12:22 1167 Kristiana KAMAGIANIS, Kristiana
Mission, BC
F2029 127/171 33/46 1:10:34
10K 223/277 1:13:04 1176 Candy Fairysparkles CLARKE, Tilly
Vancouver, BC
F-U20 128/171 11/14 1:11:38
10K 224/277 1:13:10 1203 Sara Claus WASIUTA, Sara
Vancouver, BC
F3039 129/171 40/48 1:10:54
10K 225/277 1:13:20 1397 Pacer Elf 70 TANG, Camila
Vancouver, BC
F5059 130/171 15/19 1:09:25
10K 226/277 1:13:38 1083 Thing 2 FISCH, Chan
Vancouver, BC
M2029 95/104 26/27 1:09:24
10K 227/277 1:13:38 1082 Thing 1 FISCH, Florian
Vancouver, BC
M5059 96/104 7/7 1:09:24
10K 228/277 1:13:43 1388 Lucky Wreath DRESSLER, Clodagh
Fernie, BC
F-U20 131/171 12/14 1:09:31
10K 229/277 1:13:44 1389 Glitter Cookie DE LA BARRE DE NANTEUIL, Alienor
Vancouver, BC
F-U20 132/171 13/14 1:09:32
10K 230/277 1:14:13 1179 Cinnamonstick Jollystockings HELLYER, Nicole
Vancouver, BC
U-OPEN 1/1 1/1 1:11:55
10K 231/277 1:14:13 1180 Perky Mcjingles HUISMAN, Michelle
Vancouver, BC
F5059 133/171 16/19 1:11:56
10K 232/277 1:14:44 1227 Elf Centred ANDERSON, Carl
Vancouver, BC
M6069 97/104 6/8 1:12:56
10K 233/277 1:15:09 1096 Peppermint Schnappsicle ROACH, Jennifer
Surrey, BC
F4049 134/171 28/38 1:13:45
10K 234/277 1:15:42 1040 Flamingo WRIGHT, Jennifer
Coquitlam, BC
F4049 135/171 29/38 1:11:49
10K 235/277 1:16:10 1123 Crinkle Mcdingleberry FAIZ, Ayra
Vancouver, BC
F2029 136/171 34/46 1:14:18
10K 236/277 1:16:41 1246 Snowball Cozy Mittens DORIS, Abbey
North Vancouver, BC
F2029 137/171 35/46 1:14:49
10K 237/277 1:16:41 1245 Sprinkles Brandysnap FORMAN, Jackie
North Vancouver, BC
F5059 138/171 17/19 1:14:48
10K 238/277 1:17:05 1290 Sprinkles &Amp; Twinkles CENA, Alysha
North Vancouver, BC
F3039 139/171 41/48 1:13:05
10K 239/277 1:17:18 1383 Glitter Mincepie YOO, Yeaeun
Vancouver, BC
F2029 140/171 36/46 1:11:23
10K 240/277 1:17:22 1372 Cranberry Snowy Boots PINCHAK, Michael
Vancouver, BC
M3039 98/104 37/39 1:15:23
10K 241/277 1:17:23 1373 Cranberry Fairysparkles PRINCE, Jonathan
Vancouver, BC
M4049 99/104 20/20 1:15:24
10K 242/277 1:17:44 1356 Snowy Boots Jingleboots HARDERN, Erica
Vancouver, BC
F4049 141/171 30/38 1:13:41
10K 243/277 1:18:23 1247 Bubbles Ciderdancer JOUHAL, Aman
Surrey, BC
F4049 142/171 31/38 1:14:32
10K 244/277 1:18:37 1085 Hot Chocolate Peppermint CAMPBELL, Roy
Surrey, BC
M6069 100/104 7/8 1:16:17
10K 245/277 1:19:03 1215 Dasher Helper ZORBAKIS, Rebekah
Surrey, BC
F4049 143/171 32/38 1:14:59
10K 246/277 1:19:05 1226 Stardust Fizzyboots FEE, Sarah
Vancouver, BC
F4049 144/171 33/38 1:15:01
10K 247/277 1:19:40 1056 Starry Cozy Blanket LECOY, Denise
Penticton, BC
F5059 145/171 18/19 1:17:17
10K 248/277 1:20:06 1144 Pumpkin SOMMER, Hannah
Chilliwack, BC
F-U20 146/171 14/14 1:15:51
10K 249/277 1:20:06 1145 Cookiedough VANHOEPEN, Emily
Chilliwack, BC
F2029 147/171 37/46 1:15:50
10K 250/277 1:20:08 1224 Wiggles Peppermint GLOVER, Sarah
Port Coquitlam, BC
F3039 148/171 42/48 1:15:55
10K 251/277 1:20:14 1398 Pacer Elf 80 TOPLISS, Ashleigh
Surrey, BC
F4049 149/171 34/38 1:16:10
10K 252/277 1:21:44 1270 Malletbread SANZ MARTIN, Irene
Vancouver, BC
F2029 150/171 38/46 1:19:46
10K 253/277 1:21:52 1269 Gaia RODRIGUEZ LOPEZ, Sofia
Vancouver, BC
F2029 151/171 39/46 1:19:56
10K 254/277 1:22:11 1057 Candy Cane Ciderdancer LECOY, Lloyd
Penticton, BC
M6069 101/104 8/8 1:19:47
10K 255/277 1:22:26 1325 Gingerbread Blizzard FAYTAREN, Angeline
Vancouver, BC
F3039 152/171 43/48 1:18:17
10K 256/277 1:22:28 1239 Frosty Twinkletoes MOMRATH, Jessie
Burnaby, BC
F4049 153/171 35/38 1:18:20
10K 257/277 1:22:39 1110 Elf 1 SMITH, Nick
Langley, BC
M2029 102/104 27/27 1:18:38
10K 258/277 1:22:39 1111 Elf 2 LAMONT, Caitlyn
Langley, BC
F2029 154/171 40/46 1:18:39
10K 259/277 1:22:40 1174 Elf 3 KLOOTWYK, Emily
Langley, BC
F2029 155/171 41/46 1:18:39
10K 260/277 1:24:14 1074 Marshmallow Blackberry MONAHAN, Nina
Vancouver, BC
F4049 156/171 36/38 1:20:01
10K 261/277 1:24:15 1055 Coach Twinkle Toes SHEARER, Janette
White Rock, BC
F3039 157/171 44/48 1:20:03
10K 262/277 1:24:24 1381 Twirly Reindeer PARK, Sohyung
Vancouver, BC
F2029 158/171 42/46 1:18:29
10K 263/277 1:25:15 7020 Estelf MAIQUE, Estefani
Vancouver, BC
F3039 159/171 45/48 1:25:03
10K 264/277 1:25:47 1303 Cedar Fancyfeet MALLE, Christopher
Vancouver, BC
M3039 103/104 38/39 1:21:46
10K 265/277 1:27:28 1149 Iceballs COMNINOS, Chloe
Vancouver, BC
F2029 160/171 43/46 1:23:28
10K 266/277 1:27:32 1278 Noel Cakepops KIEVILL, Rowan
Richmond, BC
F2029 161/171 44/46 1:23:14
10K 267/277 1:27:48 7103 Fizzyboots Winterbauble MACINNIS, Ashley
Edmonton, AB
F3039 162/171 46/48 1:22:51
10K 268/277 1:29:11 1068 Tootie Gumdrop ESNARD, Melissa
Coquitlam, BC
F4049 163/171 37/38 1:25:13
10K 269/277 1:29:16 7017 All The Jingle Ladies KHACHFI, Maria
Coquitlam, BC
F3039 164/171 47/48 1:24:58
10K 270/277 1:32:36 1399 Pacer Elf 90 KHAN, Michaela
Vancouver, BC
F2029 165/171 45/46 1:28:26
10K 271/277 1:43:00 1201 Snowy Pickletoes PESKETT, Heather
Abbotsford, BC
F2029 166/171 46/46 1:38:34
10K 272/277 1:43:01 1200 Frosty Sugarsocks MUNGA, Dawn
Abbotsford, BC
F6069 167/171 4/5 1:38:34
10K 273/277 1:52:10 1314 Jingle Bells Raindrop MEIKLE, Drew
Vancouver, BC
F6069 168/171 5/5 1:47:02
10K 274/277 1:52:11 1311 Starry Starlight MAZZEI, Matt
Vancouver, BC
M3039 104/104 39/39 1:47:02
10K 275/277 1:58:27 1317 Toasty Toes Cupcakes JILL, Talbot
Vancouver, BC
F3039 169/171 48/48 1:53:17
10K 276/277 1:58:28 1310 Cinnamon Baubles O'BRIEN, Anna
North Vancouver, BC
F4049 170/171 38/38 1:53:21
10K 277/277 1:58:28 1315 Mistletoe Blackberry REID, Gillian
Vancouver, BC
F5059 171/171 19/19 1:53:18